2 min read

Errol’s Feed Solution


Errol Watts is a typical Te Puke farmer. Born and bred in the region, Errol farms a total of 295 hectares across two sites. Milking 1200 cows means Errol requires
supplementary feed to ensure maximum productivity throughout the year. One
of the supplementary feeds utilised by Errol is Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE). PKE’s a bit like fertiliser, in that it is highly susceptible to moisture damage. When you’re dealing with a product that costs around $300 a tonne, reducing waste is important. Achieving cost effectiveness and weather tightness weren’t the only concerns of Errol’s. A company which could handle the project from start to finish was also important, “Service matters, and with Interbloc you get good service” says Errol.


Errol had previously contracted Interbloc, so when he went looking for a new
PKE bin he took the time to look into Interbloc’s standard PKE bin package. As
Errol puts it “They did some work for me a couple of years ago so when I found I
needed a PKE bin and saw Interbloc’s PKE bin all in one package I gave them a
call”. The standard PKE bin was designed by Interbloc in conjunction with
farmers. It is a 48m³ bin made from Interbloc interlocking concrete blocks. The
the walls are 600mm wide for strength and stability. The price tag includes a
concrete slab with a 2m apron to ensure any spillage out the front doesn’t go to
waste. The bin utilises a heavy duty canvas cover which five removable
galvanised steel hoops to keep it taunt. The hoops slide into hole locates on the
top of the bin. The canvas cover is attached for the bin at the back and is easily
pulled back and forth. All this can be installed quickly – one day once the
concrete slab has been laid.

If you ask Errol, the features of the standardised bin weren’t the deal maker, “it
was a no brainer. Firstly the blocks are a brilliant idea. They’re convenient,
durable, and flexible. When I am not using the PKE bin for feed storage, I can use it to store fertiliser or something else. It’s not just a bin, you see, because of the modular design of the blocks we can use the blocks to build other structures any

Errol’s story is typical of the farmers who have purchase Interbloc PKE bins.
Modern farming means Interbloc solutions need to cater to a variety of on farm
requirements. The standardised design means Interbloc can offer a competitively priced product and this shows in sales to day. 


  • Zero waste
  • Turn key construction – Errol was able to focus on running his farm while Interbloc handled the whole process.
  • Competitively priced 

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