September 06, 2022 2 min read

Steve & Sopa's Stonebloc Retaining Wall

Pokeno’s uneven landscape makes retaining walls a must for many homeowners. Steve & Sopa are part of this group, searching for a solution for their newly built home.

After moving into their home a few months back, Steve and Sopa wanted to start improving their outdoor space. In Pokeno, rolling hills are often part of the landscape - meaning retaining walls are vital for creating usable space The main areas of focus were the driveway and the entertainment area that looks out towards the paddock.

The Pokeno landscape

Initially, timber was considered because they’re often seen as the go-to for retaining walls. With supply chain issues, higher installation costs, and many of their neighbors having timber retaining walls, Steve and Sopa searched for something different. To set themselves apart, they looked for a timber alternative.

After doing some research, they came across Stonebloc on Facebook. What stood out with Stonebloc was that it was “unique and something a bit different” (Steve and Sopa). They didn’t like seeing the fence posts of timber retaining walls, and Stonebloc “removed the obscured appearances the timber wall designs have”.

“We feel our home is one of our greatest assets. Stonebloc raises the looks and value of our home for us and our family’s future to enjoy”

How Stonebloc improved Steve & Sopa’s property:

  • Created a retaining wall by their driveway, where fruit trees sit above
  • Created a retaining wall that looks out at Pokeno farmland, doubling as an attractive entertainment area

Retaining Walls for Steve & Sopa

RVT Construction was contracted to install these Stonebloc retaining walls

Designing beautiful retaining walls with Stonebloc is simple from installation to maintenance - the perfect solution for homeowners. Better yet, it’s made for New Zealand meaning it fits in well with the country’s landscape.

Steve & Sopa recommend Stonebloc for homeowners as “it’ll make your home and landscape stand out and add value”. The retaining walls last generations, providing an everlasting solution.

 Snoopy sitting in front of a Stonebloc retaining wall

Snoopy - Steve and Sopa's dog - sitting in front of his retaining wall

Wanting to add value to your home? Get in touch to build Stonebloc retaining walls

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